200hr Yoga Teacher Training

30hr YTT in Yin Yoga Level I

40hr YTT in Yin Yoga Level II

30hr YTT in Yin Yoga Level III

Reiki Master - Usui Komyo Reiki Kai Ryoho

Feng Shui Expert - American Feng Shui Insitute

M.S. Construction Management - Columbia University

B.F.A. Interior Architecture - Pratt Institute



Reiki Master, Feng Shui Expert, Yin Yoga + Meditation

Hi, I’m Stefani! I’m a New Jersey-based Reiki Master, Feng Shui Expert, Yin Yoga + Meditation Teacher, offering onsite and virtual consultations and Sessions. My goal and life’s mission is to both educate and heal patients, empowering them to live better and healthier lives.

As a surivor of Trauma, PTSD, and anxiety, it wasn’t until I found my therpist 15 years ago, who taught me the power of meditation, yoga and the mind-body connection. I quickly fell in love with the healing benefits of yoga and meditation completing my first 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2017. Shortly thereafter, I was introduced to the practice of Yin Yoga and Reiki and my life completly changed. While yes, traditional vinyasa and ashtanga yoga are profoundly beneficial, it became too ‘yang’ for me— too much energy, too much power. My body was craving the slow, deep, intense powers of a Yin Yoga practice.

It was during my research to complete my undergraduate thesis at Pratt Institute, where I found and fell in love with Feng Shui and the psychology of architecture and design. I became obsessed with how our environments can support or hinder everything about the way we feel and the things we manifest. After completing my Masters Degree from Columbia University, I went on to pursue and studies my certification in Feng Shui. As a Certified Reiki Practitioner, I infuse Reiki into everything I do, promoting a calm mind, body, and spirit within the external environment.


let’s create the life you deserve.

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